Sunday, October 7, 2018

An Organized Plan for Math Activities

Do you need an organized plan for your Math activities?

There was a time when I just sent students to math centers after they completed the assigned math application for the day's lesson.  I spent so much time replacing center materials, but thought there had to be a better way!  I had other resources that I rarely used and then one day I read the book Math Work Stations by Debbie Miller.  It changed the way I thought about this time!  Now "centers" is just one activity in my daily Math Work Stations.  

I wanted an organized plan to ensure I worked with each student during the week, so I included a teacher rotation.  Fluency is an important focus at our school, so I wanted my kiddos to work in their fluency folders weekly as well.  Counting to 120 is a skill reported on our first report card, so I have a container of baggies with various seasonal erasers in them.  The number in the bags range from 50 to 150.  I bought my first assortment from Amazon, but then they started popping up in the dollar spot at Target.  Most of them come in groups of 60, so I usually pick up two bags.  These are my first 5 rotations to start the year.  I will eventually change out counting bags for iPads or Partner Games as they year goes on.  These stations require hardly any of my time, so instead, I get to spend it on planning my core content.  I still have centers, but I don't have to change them near as often (usually monthly or just when the unit changes). Yippie!!!  

Click on Weekly Math Rotations Chart if you would like your own copy, which is fully editable.  You can change the group names, the student names in each group and the name of the daily activities.  There is also a 4-day rotation chart included in the download.  Pick which is best for you.    

If you like this Weekly Math Rotation chart, please leave your review on TPT.  Thank you!


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